Publisher Intergration

Flow Publisher registers your website, verifies it, and gets a code.

Add Website

Go to dashboard menu: /publisher/websites and click Add website button

Input your website

Get code ads.txt and add it to your website

On the website list, click the button Ads.txt. Copy the content and add it to your ads.txt file.

Verify ads.txt

If you verify ads.txt success, the status is Verified; if not it will Not Verified and youmust recheck code ads.txt and click verify ads.txt again.

Request Activation

If verify ads.txt success, please click button Request Activation to Admin/Manager preview website and active or reject.

If request activation success, the status is Approved; if not the status is Reject

Choose Template and get widget code

Go to dashboard menu: /publisher/templates

  • Step 1

  • Step 2

  • Step 3

My Widget

You can see all widget of this website

And can get code widget


If you have any technical questions or comments, please email us at:

Last updated