SDK for WebGL Unity SDK for WebGL Unity. This allows you to display advertisements in the games published within the network.


Download SDK package

Step 1

Import package to your unity project.

Step 2

Drag GameMondi game object into your scene.

Step 3

Input your game id

Step 4

Use GameMondi.ShowAd(GameMondi.AdType) to show the ads

We have 3 ad types: Preroll, Midroll, and Rewarded

Step 5

Make use of the events GameMondi.onPauseGame, GameMondi.onAdShowSuccessful for pause/resume your game.

Step 6

Make use of the events GameMondi.onRewardedSlotGrantedSucessful and GameMondi.onRewardedSlotClosed for check user is complete watch the rewarded ads or not.


After import the package you can go to Assets/GameMondi/Demo to view the demo


If you have any technical questions or comments, please email us at:

Last updated